Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday RIO Bonito...

Well, RIO turned 23 years old today! Hard to believe I got him when he was only seven years old. He still acts like the young stud he is! Rio resides at Hox Acres where his step-mama's Heather and Sarah help me keep him in excellent shape. Evan, Brayden, and I went out there today to wish him a happy birthday and when we entered the barn all the horses nickered to great us and Evan about jumped out of his skin. He actually fell over his own two feet and fell face first into the dirt aisle way. It was pretty comical. This Spring Evan says he is ready to conquer the beast. Anybody else who would like to ride him is welcome. Let me know. Happy Birthday Baby Boy!


Laura said...

I thought Rio was too old to ride. Where is the picture of Evan in the dirt?

Felosak Family said...

Well Laura he bounced up to fast for me to get the picture.

Kim Cervone said...

He is beautiful. I love the birthday hat!! Is Bonito your horse's last name?..Nickname? I didn't know they had last names.

Felosak Family said...

bonito is one of his nicknames...