Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nice day...

Seems like months ago, eventhough it was only a few weeks, when we had that GREAT weather I spent alot of time at the park with the boys. It was wonderful to get outside! We went for a long walk and Evan insisted on riding in the I made him hold BB. It worked for a little while...then I think he got tired of it. Look at his face:)
Things have been crazy here as always. I started running again....slowly, but surely and thus far my knee seems to be holding up. BB is getting over being SICK. Evan is good. We went to Kindergarten "round-up" or sign-up last night. There were LOTS of parents there....and some kids too. I am torn as to what to do.....start Evan in kindergarten or keep him back one year. It really is a BIG dilema for me..... we will see. I think he is smart enough. I am just not sure he will keep his butt in the seat long enough.


Laura said...

You're right Evan looks less than thrilled.

Kim Cervone said...

I see the kids spent some quility time in their cage as well (hahaha) That is a tough call on the kindergarten thing. I wish you luck on that decision.