Friday, April 4, 2008

Mommies Little Trouble Makers...

Let's see...the past week in review....

Saturday Brayden and I attended Cameron's 1st Birthday at the Buch household. It was great! Cameron did a great job with his first cake. J and Evan were Up North with Grandma Deanna and Pop-pop.

Sunday Mommy got some housework done then she and Brayden went over to her parents house to take care of some upcoming business. J and Evan returned the Reinharts for dinner and...Evan smashed his hand with an exercise weight and ..HE HAD A FIT! It bleed a bit and was really swollen and all black and blue. It was hard to do an examination on it. Thank goodness we were at Grandma Moosies because she was able to soothe him and was even able to get him to eat his dinner....Grandpa got the ice cream down for dessert (tough job)!

Monday Mommy and Daddy both worked and then Daddy went to get the taxes done. Mommy decided she didn't like the wasy Evans finger looked so she took both the boys to St John Urgent Care for an X-RAY. No big deal she and out... just an X-RAY.....of course, NOPE! We were there for about 2 and a half to 3 hours. Evan was a dream, but Brayden was pissed becuase he could not crawl/walk around and explore.....or maybe it was just bad memories of his trip the prior week for his forehead laceration....not sure! I had my hands full! Evan had to go to the bathroom three times. The last time he wanted to just sit it there and I was afraid we would miss our turn with the MD and have to wait longer so mean old mommy was snippy and said no way either push the poop out now or hold it.....he held it. J showed up just in time to shaperone Evan for his hand X-RAY and then he took Brayden home and put him to was getting that late. The X-RAY showed a small fracture so they put a splint on it and told us to follow-up with our pediatrician in the a.m. Evan was fantastic. He ate dinner at 9:30 at night and was not in bed until 10 ish....which is late for him.

Tuesday Mommy and Daddy both worked. When I got home at 5 minutes to 5 p.m. there was a message from our pediatrician office that they had received copies of the X-RAYS and that Evan had to get into an ORTH MD right away...within the day was the message. GREAT..... I had five minutes to make five calls, etc. Then Daddy and Mommy had to take off in a flash to make it to our wine tasting class we had signed up for.....Mommy needed a shower....missed that.....we were both starving (thank goodness they had appetizers)....and Grandma Deanna was left with no help with dinner for the kids and the house was a disaster....sorry about that Grandma Deanna! Of course, she did great and managed just fine and the kids loved the homemade Mac 'n Cheese she pulled of. Thank goodness for that!

Wednesday Mommy took Evan to the ORTH MD and he said no big will heal in a couple of weeks with or without the splint.....I was relieved the most, but upset that I was lead to believe there was something more to it by the pedicatricians office. Oh well, it all worked out.

Thursday Mommy and Daddy both worked, then they both took Kayla Lee to the ONCOLOGIST for a second opinion and and abdominal ultrasound. I am happy to report that her belly is clean and the ONC. says she looks great. The odds are not in her favor if she does not get RT or chemo, but J and I have decided we will not be doing any further treatments for the MCT. She will still get her usual care and check-ups, etc, but no cancer treatments. They are very costly, time consuming, and have yucky side effects......and right now she is the same old Kayla and that is how we would like it to stay. She is still getting pampered and having special meals cooked for her and getting vitamin supplements to help her.....and will until the end.....hopefully she is in the 20% who have high grade 2 MCT with dirty margins that never have a reocccurence......hopefully....and she around until she is 11-13 yrs old as expected. The boys were picked up by Grandma Moosie and cared for by her until we returned home.....they had a great time. Thank you Grandma Moosie.

Friday....well, so far Brayden had his recheck for hid dbl ear infection and they were clean. Brayden and Mommy went to Costco and J and Evan went to a "job" site together....they returned with golf balls so I am not sure how much of a "job" it was, but Evan had fun. Then we all went out to lunch. J is getting ready to leave on his Golf Trip to Georgia for the Masters. He will not be home until LATE Weds. night. Mommy is going to MaryAnn's house for a scrapbooking weekend Sat and Sun. She took off work for MON and TUES and plans on accomplishing some things around the house, riding RIO, and taking Kayla for some nice walks. Should be a good time.
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Laura said...

Wow Cara sounds like you were busy this week! We're glad Evan is OK. We'll keep Kayla in our prayers!

Kim Cervone said...

Sounds like Kayla is living the good life. I would go the same route. Quility of life is most important. I LOL at the whole explanation of Evan's hand, followed by rushing off to your wine tasting. SOunds like you needed that!!!! Is he still achey? If you need help (a babysitter for an Er run) while J is gone you know where to find me!